Sunday, February 5, 2012


Oh my goodness it's been so long again since I've been here to post on my own page. I come here every day to read all of my favorite blogs but I just can't seem to stay long enough to write a few words!

So today it's nice and quiet here. No one home but me. So I'm staying here in blogland a little longer and I'm going to show you a picture of some mini afghans I made. For a few friends!

These were such fun to work up but my poor hands were so sore. I had to work in bits and pieces of time because my hands/fingers would stiffen up and not move very well. And hurt....oh my. My poor pinky finger wanted to stay curled up and not stretch hurt so bad to straighten it!

But I think the end results were worth a little pain don't you?

The one on the right that is the pink green and white was suppose to look a bit shabby and ended up looking a bit watermelon-y. And the reason for that is my green is too bold. But I looked high and low for some pale green tatting threads in size 70 or 80 but no matter where I looked I couldn't find it. Oh I was so disappointed. I even had a friend send me some that she had and that was the same color I had. So if anyone out there in blog land reading this knows where I can get some or knows someone that might know please let ME know. Wow did that sound like a tongue twister? Ha! But I would really really really like to get my hands on a couple of balls of very light/pale green tatting thread.

I hope ya all are surviving the winter. Those of us here in New York have had the easiest winter that I can ever remember having. I hope we don't end up having a super dry summer or a summer filled with rain because we didn't get the snow we should have. Or that we need really inorder to supply our water table.

My husband is an ice fisherman and up til now he's been pouting because he hasn't had enough ice on the ponds and lakes to go fishing. But finally a few weeks ago the low temps moved in and most of the water ways are frozen deep enough to go out on. So he's a happy fisherman now! And I'm happy because I have a bit more peace and quiet to mini away the day! Like today! So off I go to try to create something tiny! I hope to have some creations listed on ebay in the near future if you're interested in checking them out. My ID is Peechtree-minis.
Have a great day everyone!
